Metallurgical Evaluation
The metallurgists at TCR have deep expertise in Metallographic preparation and examination to evaluate the characteristics of metals. They are highly skilled to assess a particular material’s heat treatment condition, microstructure, and forming process. The team undertakes macro and micro examination including Weld Examination, Case Depth and Decarburization Measurement, Micro Hardness Testing and Coating/Plating evaluation.
The Metallography department employs the 3 different SEM/EDAX, Inverted Metallurgical microscope, Olympus GX51 and the Leco 500 microscope with an Image Analysis System. The technical team has indigenously developed a microstructure characterizer software that assists with the analysis of images to determine microstructural degradation due to creep. The software can also calculate the graphitization, depth or width of decarburization, phase/volume percentage, grain growth, inclusion rating, particle size, volume percentage, particle count, porosity and coating thickness.

TCR undertakes metallurgical evaluation using SEM, EDAX, XRD and TEM technologies
The ambit of frequently tested services in TCR metallography lab include:
Microstructure Examination (Routine) with two photographs
NDT microstructure with two photographs
Microstructure with Comment on Heat Treatment
Microstructure examination for failure related study
Grain size distribution chart on Image Analysis (With print out)
Prior austenite grain size measurement (including heat treatment charges)
Prior austenite grain size measurement by Mc Quid Ehn method (including carburizing)
Oxide-scale/Nitriding/Carburizing/Decarburizing/ Coating – Measurements. (Avg. of 3 readings), over and above microstructure examination charge
Grain size Measurement as per ASTM E112 with photograph
Linear measurement, up to 3 measurements, over and above macrostructure/microstructure examination charge
Each Additional linear measurement
Inclusion Rating as per ASTM E45 Method A with photograph
Inclusion rating as per ASTM E45 with photograph
Color Metallography (With two Photos)
Delta ferrite from SS weld microstructure, Sigma phase, volume fraction by microstructure examination (Avg. 3 frames)
% Nodularity, Nodule Count as per ASTM A247 and IS 1865
Porosity Analysis as per ASTM A 276
Decarburization Level as per IS 6396 And ASTM E 1077
Phase Distribution as per ASTM E 562 / 1245
Powder Particle Size Measurement (Avg. 5 Frames)
Coating Thickness Measurement as per ASTM B 487
Retained Austenite Measurement with Electro Polish and Copper Deposition Method, And Calculation On Image Analysis Software from Microstructure Examination. (Avg. 3 Frames)
Micro-Hardness Testing
Micro Hardness Profile For Case Depth Measurement (Max. 10 Readings)
Macro Etch Test Up To 100 Mm (Including Photo & Comments)
Macro Etch Test Between 100 To 200 Mm (Including Photo & Comments)
Macro Etch Test Over 200 Mm (Including Photo & Comments)
Fractography by Stereo Microscope
Fractography by SEM
Coating Thickness by SEM
Microstructure Examination Test With Photographs, Grain Size Comment On Carbide Precipitation, Nitrides & Intermetallic Phases In Haz, Parent, Weld As Per A-923 METHOD A, ASTM E-45 for Inclusion Rating
Hydrogen Embrittlement on Copper
Ferrite As Per ASTM E562 per Phase per Sample
Intermetallic Phase (Chi, Sigma, Laves Nitrate Carbide) per phase per Sample
Intermetallic Phases In Weld, Parent Material (PM), Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) per phase per Sample
Microstructure Test with Photograph (For Sigma Phase)
icrostructure Test With Photograph (For Ferrite Content)
Analysis Of a Given SEM Image for Particle Size and Particle Size Distribution
(Max/Min, Size/Frequency Information) Of the Dispersed Phase in a Continuous Phase Matrix. -
Cost To Prepare the Sample for Placement In SEM Sample Chamber
SEM Analysis with Single Image
Delta Ferrite Measurement by Ferritscope
Pit Dimension Measurement
EDAX / EDS Analysis
XRD Analysis
In-Situ Replica Interpretation only On a Client Supplied Replica. (Please Note: TCR will not be held responsible for accurate data interpretation in areas where a TCR technician has not taken the replicas
Structural Examination Charges (As Per 6.1)
Structural Examination (Each Additional Measurement)
Inclusion Rating as ASTM E45 – Method D (Set Of Six Specimen)
Volume Fraction Measurement (30 Frames) as per ASTM E 562
Microstructure as per A 923 Method A
Microstructure Carbide Network as per SEP 52100 Chart (Heat Treatment Charges Are Extra)
In-Situ Metallography
Step Macro without Photograph – Each Step
Step Macro with Photograph – Each Step
Macro Measurement (MLP/Penetration) -Each
Depth Of Attack
Banding Index
Intermetallic Phases – Charges On Request
Coating/ Plating Thickness/Mesh Size -
Austenitic Grain Size with Photographs (Up To 3 Samples)
Metallography Tests at TCR
In Macro-etching a specimen is etched and macro-structurally evaluated at low magnifications. It is a frequently-used technique for evaluating steel products such as billets, bars, blooms and forgings. There are several procedures for rating a steel specimen by a graded series of photographs, showing the incidence of certain conditions and is applicable to carbon and low alloy steels. A number of different etching reagents may be used depending upon the type of examination. Steels react differently to etching reagents because of variations in chemical composition, the method of manufacturing, heat treatment, and many other variables.
Macro-Examinations are also performed on polished and etched cross-sections of welded material. During the examination, a number of features can be determined including the weld run sequence, which is vital for weld procedure qualifications tests. Apart from this, any defects on the sample are assessed for relevant specifications and compliance. Slag, porosity, lack of weld penetration, lack of sidewall fusion and poor weld profile are among the features observed in this type of examination. It is procedural to identify such defects, either by standard visual examination or at magnifications of up to 50X. It is also routine to photograph the section to provide a permanent record and this is known as a photomacrograph.
Micro Examination
This is performed on samples that are either cut to size or mounted on a resin mould. These samples are polished to a fine finish, typically a one-micron diamond paste and prior to an examination on the metallurgical microscope, it is usually etched in an appropriate chemical solution. Micro-examination is performed for a number of purposes, the most common of which is to assess the structure of the material. It is also customary to examine for metallurgical anomalies such as third phase precipitates, excessive grain growth, etc. Many routine tests such as phase counting or grain size determinations are performed in conjunction with micro-examinations.
Weld Examination
Metallographic weld evaluations take place in many forms. In its most simple format, weld deposits can be visually examined for large-scale defects such as porosity or lack of fusion defects. On a micro scale, the examination can take the form of phase balance assessments from weld cap, weld root or can even be checked for non-metallic or third phase precipitates. Examination of weld growth patterns is also used to determine the reasons for poor mechanical test results. For example, an extensive central columnar grain pattern can cause a plane of weakness, giving poor charpy results.
Case Depth
Case hardening may be defined as a process for hardening ferrous materials in such a manner that the surface layer (known as the case) is substantially harder than the remaining materials (known as the core). This process is controlled through carburizing, nitriding, carbonitriding, cyaniding, induction, and flame hardening. The chemical composition and mechanical properties are affected by these practices. The methodology utilized for determining case depth can either be chemical, mechanical or visual and the appropriate one is selected based on specific requirements.
Decarburization Measurement
This method is designed to detect changes in the microstructure, hardness or carbon content at the surface of steel sections due to carburization. To determine the depth, a uniform microstructure, hardness or carbon content of the specimen interior is observed. This method detects surface losses in the carbon content due to heating at elevated temperatures
Coating / Plating Evaluation (ASTM B487, ASTM B748)
A coating or plating application is used primarily for the protection of the substrate. Thickness is an important factor in the performance of the coating or plating. A portion of the specimen is cut, mounted transversely and is prepared in accordance with acceptable or suitable techniques. The thickness of the cross section is measured with an optical microscope. When the coating or plating is thinner than .00020, the measurement is taken with the scanning electron microscope. Cross-sectioned metallographic examinations of substrates with plating, surface evaluations, thickness measurements, weight per volume and even salt spray testing can aid in the evaluation of plating.
Surface Evaluation
Surface inspection includes the detection of surface flaws along with the measurement of surface roughness. One of the methods used to perform this test is the use of a laser light. Measurement and analysis is possible when scattered light is reflected off the surface of a sample, An alternative method is the use of a motorized stylus (profilometer), where the stylus is placed on the surface and the texture of the material is measured in micro-inches or millimeters.
Grain Size Determination (ASTM E112, ISO 643, IS 4748)
In order to establish a scale for grain size, ASTM E112 shows charts with outline grain structures for various dimensions. These universally accepted standards range from ASTM NO. 00 (very coarse) to 10 (very fine). A material's grain size is important as it affects its mechanical properties. In most materials, a refined grain structure gives enhanced toughness, and alloying elements are deliberately added during the steel-making process to assist with grain refinement. Grain size is determined from a polished and etched sample, using optical microscopy at a magnification of 100X.
Microstructure Characterizer Software
Metallurgical Image Analysis Software
TCR Engineering has developed Microstructure Characterizer Software, an image analysis tool. Using this software, a Metallurgist or a Material Science engineer can characterize different types of microstructural images for grain size, coating thickness and phases; get images from one or more files; and intensify the image using the filtering and enhancement features.
Microstructure Characterizer Software 3.0 (MiC) characterizes microstructural features using standard methods of material characterization such as ASTM grain size measurements, coating thickness, linear and angular measurements, comparison of superimposed grain size reticules, inclusion rating as per IS and ASTM standards, nodularity measurements, powder particle size distribution and so on. It helps generate custom-made formatted reports of live and stored images and offers results as the computer display as well as hard copy multi-color printouts.
TCR has three Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) attached to an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) system. This is the highest number of SEM in any commercial lab in India.
SEM is a great diagnostic tool for:
Failure Investigation
Quality Control
Morphology and Identification of Localized Defects
Identifying Corrosion products at Microscopic levels
Identifying Surface Coating or Plating
Particle Size & Shape Analysis
Characterizing Creep in Microstructure
Identifying Submicron Features in Microstructure
Identification of Inclusions in metals
SEMART SS-100 offers a simple and an extremely user-friendly operating console equipped with a turbo-molecular pumping system to achieve a high vacuum that requires absolutely no time to start-up. ​The EDS Analyzer X-Max 20 is a versatile X-Ray spectrometer system, which does not require liquid nitrogen for its operation. This reduces the start time for EDS-accelerating voltages and lower spot sizes resulting in improved accuracy and quantification of elements that sometimes, can be a limitation of the conventional EDS detectors with 10-mm² areas.