TCR Engineering Services, a leading material testing laboratory and NDT Services provider based in Mumbai, India has now expanded its chemical analysis testing division by acquiring the Rigaku Supermini XRF.

By way of this XRF, the chemists at TCR, can analyze low concentration levels of light elements such as F, Na, Mg, Ca, Si, Al, and P. Materials that can be tested include solids, liquids, powders, alloys and thin films.
Supermini XRF is ideal for applications in metals, cement, Ore, Refractories, environmental, and regulatory compliance where extra low levels of detection are required.
At present, the chemists at TCR, are analyzing Si metal samples using this XRF. TCR can also analyze Ferro alloys like Fe Silicon, Ferro moly, Ferromanganese etc. We can also analyze Ore and mineral, Soil samples on this XRF.