Mr. Paresh Haribhakti, MD of TCR Advanced Engineering, made a presentation at the 9th National Conference on “Boiler and Steam Systems” - STEAMTECH, which was held at the at J B Auditorium, Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad on February 19-20 2016. The National Conference on Boiler and Steam Systems - STEAMTECH being held annually since 2007 has already become a brand equity event and is now recognized as one of the major platforms offering a national debate on the subjects of contemporary interest concerning steam & boiler management.

The annual conference has proved to be an effective platform for close interactions between technology providers, equipment manufacturers, service providers and the users of steam and boiler systems. More than 30 experts from India and abroad shared their rich experience and knowledge covering technology and market trends, innovations, regulatory issues, environmental issues as well as industry experiences through case studies with more than 400 delegates from the industry.

Mr. Paresh Haribhakti's presentation was titled, "Preventive approach for failure free boilers."

India is the only country that predicated 8% growth in the power sector in spite of the present economic scenario of the world. Considering the development-based growth model of India, power demand will increase many folds in coming days. The need for power plant to operate between planned shutdowns would be most desirable for enchasing 3% of power loss occurring due to boiler tube failures and other breakdowns. The Indian power plants have been operated with a philosophy of accepting the tube failures as unavoidable. Many developed countries have achieved this feat “failure free boilers” with a very systematic preventive approach rather than reactive approach to mitigate failures.

The need for knowledge-based inspection and operational philosophy is an answer to safety and reliability of power plants. The role of an experienced corrosion and metallurgical engineer is pivotal to achieve impossible looking task of failure free boilers. The boiler is made of metals, and it is best understood by a metallurgist who can unfold use and abuses by carrying out metallography studies. With the advancement of knowledge and use of latest information technology it is possible to predict the failures in advance and can be correlated with operational and maintenance practices followed. A team study is necessary for such activities where all aspect of boiler needs to be recorded and evaluated by an expert team comprises of third-party and power plant engineers to identify active and future damage mechanisms in each part. Under every planned shutdown necessary and targeted inspection activities will be carried out rather then followed age old inspection philosophy that most of the time gives a false satisfaction.
The adopted philosophy over the time of 3-4 years, will produce the fruitful results as it is based on systematic studies of operation, maintenance and materials by Indian brains having vast experience of power plants.

The conference was supported by Indian Boilers Manufacturers’ Association (IBMA), Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers – Ahmedabad Regional Chapter, The Gujarat Dyestuff Manufacturers Association (GDMA), Indian Agro and Recycled Paper Mills Association (IARPMA), Indian Drug Manufacturers Association – Gujarat State Board (IDMA-GSB), Gujarat Paper Mills Association (GPMA).