TCR Engineering Services in Mumbai is selected as registered vendor to Naval Dockyard for NDT and Material Testing
Over the past 43 years (founded in 1973), TCR Engineering Services has provided quality assurance and fabrication inspection services to companies in the oil, petro-chemical and natural gas sectors. Over 2000+ customers worldwide use TCR´s services to dramatically improve and certify their products, validate material quality, ensure innovation in the marketplace, and to achieve significant competitive advantages. As a result, these companies are bringing the right products to market, at the right time, at the right cost. TCR now is an approved and registered vendor to Naval Dockyard.

TCR Engineering Services is a Bureau of Indian Standards and NABL accredited laboratory. NABL provides laboratory accreditation services to laboratories that are performing tests / calibrations in accordance with ISO 17025. As a result of NABL accreditation, TCR reports are accepted by A2LA labs in USA as well. TCR is also approved by international recognition bodies including American Bureau of Shipping (USA), Bureau Veritas (France), Lloyds Register of Shipping (UK), TuV, EiL, Det-Norske Veritas (Norway), SGS (India) Ltd. Indian Register of Shipping, Mercantile Marine Dept, Bureau of Indian Standards, and others. TCR also has a rigorous internal Quality Assurance Program for all its services. The Quality Assurance Department conducts frequent and vigorous internal audits to ensure the highest possible level of quality in support of the TCR service offering.